Tammy Boylan is...
...Bride Ministries Coach
Tammy was introduced to Jesus when she was young. Even though she knew Jesus, it was a not as intimate as it is growing to be today. She grew up in the Mts. of Upstate New York, on the family farm. Her parents divorced at 13 and she went through a struggle with knowing how God was in her life. Father God walked that journey with her without her really even being aware of His presence. She has been married for 31 years and has 4 adult children and is a strong warrior for the Kingdom of God. She fights for His children to be free of the evils that plague this realm and seek to destroy His children. March 2020 was a major turning point in her relationship with the Lord in that the veil was being lifted on the tactics, of how the enemy attacks Gods children. She engaged in her healing journey and getting to know her true identify in Jesus and Holy Spirit with BRIDE ministries resources, prayer books and coaching.
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