Alexandria Peters

School of Inner Healing and Deliverance Graduate 2022

Alexandria is absolutely amazing, and my Spirit, personal angel, and parts and alters love her. Alexandria has given me the confidence to be able to move forward quickly and to lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance
She taught me other things by inserting comments about things she knows, nodding her head, and affirming things I was sheepishly branching out on. She spoke out loud when she got material confirmation of what I said or what she had previously sensed, and that also really helped me see how you can confirm or not by material validation and evidence. I felt the timing for me was too soon because of some chaos I’ve had going on for several months, but I sensed in my spirit it was now time to meet with her. And it WAS. God worked it out in every way to form His purpose and plan. I am so thankful for her and for all of it. God bless her! No words and no material gift can match what I believe was just imparted to me through Alexandria and her work. I am eternally grateful. Thank you all so much.

Alexandria Peters is...

...Bride Ministries Coach

Alexandria is an Ordained Minister who lives in Lapwai, Idaho, on the Nez Perce Tribe Reservation. She and her husband have been married for nearly 28 years with two incredible adult children.

She is a DID (through trauma and bloodline) overcomer who was successfully healed by Jesus through a series of prophetic dreams 12 years ago. The ministry done by Jesus in those dreams is very similar to the ministry you may receive here by trained coaches. It was a part of the reason she decided to join this ministry.

She is a pioneer in the Prophetic Feeler/Empath Community. Twenty-one years ago, Alexandria surrendered her empathic abilities to God. She was stuck on the floor for hours as He poured out his liquid love. He redeemed her gift through the Sensory Seer (Prophetic Feeler) gate, and she has been using them for His glory ever since. It is common for her body to experience heating sensations, lightning of God, others’ feelings, emotions, and the angelic around her. She has also put together a scripture dictionary for body sensations. For example, you might have a heat-like sensation in your right Arm. She helps you navigate (with the help of the Holy Spirit) through your own personal experience and the scriptures relating to Arm, how God might be speaking to you personally, and the following steps to take.

Alexandria also has a passion for working with God’s Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water) and their redemption. She is a fire starter in the Lord!
Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) – his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot

Let me introduce myself...

Let me introduce myself...

My Heart

I love to teach & equip.

Most people get to a point where they crave something more for their lives: freedom, forward progress, going to deeper places, or knowing the One who created them, and I am no exception. About three years ago, I became thirsty but couldn’t find a well to drink from. Additionally, when I saw a friend or went to a conference, I was constantly approached with the same word, “deeper.” In all transparency, I became annoyed whenever someone came to me with that word. I remember thinking, do I need to pray harder, faster, longer? I was contemplating on anything that could take me “deeper”.

Then God gave me a dream, and in that dream, I looked at a very deep pool, but there was no water to be found. A friend gave me two numbers, saying they would connect me to a well.

I woke up and looked up the two numbers in the Strong Dictionary. 1223 and 3563, Dianoia: deep thought, the facility (mind or disposition) by its exercise -imagination and understanding.

To go deeper into the adventure, I had to allow God to challenge my perception of the physical and supernatural realms. This meant tearing down some old theologies and belief systems in my heart and trusting God in the scriptures and the constant evidence He presented. This step-by-step Walking with Jesus transformed my life, and my hope is to help others do the same.

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Education & Background

Alexandria has 18 years of experience in special education, was a positive behavioral interventionist, and did administrative work at the elementary and high school levels. She also has 16 years of ministry experience as a Cafe owner (provided a space for community ministry and worship), Pastor, Author, Worship Leader, and founder of Unique Fire 52 Coaching.

Specializes in the following areas:

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Rome Batchelor

If you feel at a standstill, a crossroads or under something you cannot seem to overcome, you’ve found something that very likely could be your answer!

With a deep understanding of the unseen realms and how hidden past traumas can be a root of what is bringing us pain in the present, Alexandria was very helpful at understanding a few areas I was not so clear on and she listened intently and prayerfully as we explored together what Holy Spirit was revealing to us on my behalf. Very helpful and also I was given tools to improve my walk, life and growth in many areas.

-Highly recommend!

1 year ago
Christina McLain

Wow what an AMAZING woman of God! Alexandria overflows with sooo much love and understanding. Never judgy but is full of wisdom and compassion. All the words from the Lord that she has spoken over me were very accurate and helpful!
Alexandria has helped me through sooo much pain and given me resources to help me grow and overcome. In just a couple months I have grown and my relationships with my family, friends, and coworkers have become sooo much better. My relationship with God has become so beautiful and intimate like I’ve never experienced before. I am sooo thankful for the coaching and assignments that Alexandria has given me. I’m no longer in a rut feeling like there’s something on the inside of me yearning and feeling this greatness that’s there but so out of reach. I feel whole and alive and I don’t think I would’ve gotten this far without her. Thank you Alexandria for being brave and courageous, for your beautiful heart that sings in tune with the Holy Spirit. You have encouraged and strengthened me and I will never forget the council you have imparted to me. I highly recommend this warrior woman who will have your best interests and heart in mind!

1 year ago

I have DID and am a SRA survivor. There are times when God brings someone into your life that he has designated to make a life changing impact on you. This has been Alexandria for me.

I was put with Alexandria as a volunteer client during her last few months as a trainee and then during her residency and she has constantly been growing and refining her skills and heart as a coach.

When I needed a friend who would be a safe heart and kind words, God put me with her as a coach. She has advocated for me and got to know my alters and they are comfortable with her and trust her. They all look forward to our coaching sessions and try their best to give as much information to her as possible to help me and her get breakthrough. Her Sensory Seerer gift has helped pinpoint bondage we needed to tackle and confirmed we are going in the right direction.

For those with DID, you understand how rare it is to have your Protectors willingly work with someone outside the System and to have full confidence in that person that they are on Our side.

Alexandria is a blessing and I highly encourage anyone with DID or SRA to book with her.

1 year ago
Sarah Reynolds

Alexandria has been such a blessing. I appreciate how real she is, kind and obedient to the Lord. Every time we meant, which was over zoom, I felt the presence of the Lord hit the place I was, which was usually my car. It was confirmation for me that God was working through Alexandria. I have received so much healing through the sessions we had I will forever be thankful for her. She is an inspiration to me. I pray someday God will allow me the privilege of helping people the way she helped me.

1 year ago

Alexandria is amazing in her ability to sense what is happening through the Holy Spirt. I had never had prayer coaching before and I didn’t know what to expect. She made me feel safe in Jesus throughout the session and the healing and breakthroughs that resulted are God sized. Bride Ministries is truly saving people through our Spirits. I never realized how much the enemy influenced me and my children, but now he can’t because of Jesus and prayer with Alexandria. Praise God!

9 months ago

Alexandria is a lovely, confident woman who openly displays her relationship with Yahweh, the Holy Spirit and Yeshua Ha Messiah. She is a prayer coach who is led by the Trinity and she is a great representative for Bride Ministries. I hope they are proud of her efforts.

By the end of the first session, I could taste what it meant to be free and secretly wanted to have the kind of relationship she had with the Trinity.

I didn’t start the first day that way. I brought tough stuff to talk about and I was clear, concise, and I did not trust psychologists. I told her why. I had bottomed out, I was old, tired and did not understand my upbring in SRA; sometimes my memories were farfetched. I had a hard time listening to them and when there was a breakthrough memory, I was overwhelmed and exhausted. I was afraid to talk because disaster chased me.

I did not know why I could not be like other Christians. I read the bible daily, I had lots of books on deliverance that had a short-lived impact on my life. I was and am a door knocking evangelist, I serve at the church as an usher and regularly go out to feed the poor in my neighborhood. It all sounds great, but I was so broken on the inside.

Alexandria and I have met once a month for the last six months. (six or seven sessions). She heard me, she believed my story. I was not an anomaly; nor far farfetched or crazy. What I said was real. This is Bride Ministries. I trust her.

Between journaling, learning to parent my parts, and praying up to three hours each day, meant I was relied on the Trinity, my desires, the Bride Ministries Body and the Alexandria the prayer coach.

I have watched some of Bride Ministries You Tube sessions such as The Arche, Parts and Parenting, Rivers of Living Water and others. I have taken Todd Edwards the Word Made Alive, and Dan Duval’s Discipleship Training. I pray every prayer and put into practice as much as I possibly can. Sometimes I have to hit the pause button and rewind the tape as I might zone out or freak out because I get triggered.

I am 66 years old, I was born into SRA, then escaped and started running at 17 years old. I tried real hard to be normal and went to counselling as soon as I became a parent. I became a Christian about 13 years ago and “today is the day of my Salvation.”

I plan on staying in with Alexandria prayer coaching a little while longer as I want the inheritance that God has for me. I want to be the one who crosses the finish line. I want God to say: well done Valeire, my good and faithful servant. I want to run the race and win. I want to be His best and most favorite child, in my neck of the woods. I am not sure what that will look like but a couple of weeks ago an angel announced that my scroll will be read.

This is a very fruitful and challenging process. I am so glad I took the risk, I stayed the course.

7 months ago
L Stallbaumer

Alexandria is so sensitive to her clients needs. She flows in the spirit and partners with the Trinity. She has greatly accelerated my healing process. She is very good at navigating systems. Her passion for helping people get free is her upmost priority. I have been truly blessed throughout this process.

7 months ago

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