Alexandria Peters is...
...Bride Ministries Coach
Alexandria is an Ordained Minister who lives in Lapwai, Idaho, on the Nez Perce Tribe Reservation. She and her husband have been married for nearly 28 years with two incredible adult children.
She is a DID (through trauma and bloodline) overcomer who was successfully healed by Jesus through a series of prophetic dreams 12 years ago. The ministry done by Jesus in those dreams is very similar to the ministry you may receive here by trained coaches. It was a part of the reason she decided to join this ministry.
She is a pioneer in the Prophetic Feeler/Empath Community. Twenty-one years ago, Alexandria surrendered her empathic abilities to God. She was stuck on the floor for hours as He poured out his liquid love. He redeemed her gift through the Sensory Seer (Prophetic Feeler) gate, and she has been using them for His glory ever since. It is common for her body to experience heating sensations, lightning of God, others’ feelings, emotions, and the angelic around her. She has also put together a scripture dictionary for body sensations. For example, you might have a heat-like sensation in your right Arm. She helps you navigate (with the help of the Holy Spirit) through your own personal experience and the scriptures relating to Arm, how God might be speaking to you personally, and the following steps to take.
Alexandria also has a passion for working with God’s Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water) and their redemption. She is a fire starter in the Lord!
Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) – his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot
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