Miriam Collins is...
...Bride Ministries Coach
A handmaiden of the Lord whose heart’s cry is, “…be it unto me according to Thy Word.” (Luke 1:38 {a}, KJV) Sent by God to a married woman who prayed ten years to conceive a child, Miriam entered the Earth with the assignments, mandates, and callings of one born from covenant. As a result, she has repeatedly found herself at the center of the plans and purposes of the Creator, which has included: working as a registered nurse in hospital and public health settings, eighteen years of marriage to and co-pastoring with a survivor while serving a congregation of people experiencing life at various points along the dissociation spectrum, and now as a coach on the BRIDE Ministries platform. Miriam’s desire is to serve God while ministering to His children and closely adhering to His instructions for each one. The joys of her heart are: co-laboring with Jesus in His redemptive and restorative work in the lives of the confused, the frustrated, the lost, and the most broken (many of who attend, serve, or are leaders at church); and witnessing their journey toward healing, self-discovery, and purpose.
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