Heike Seeholzer is...
...Bride Ministries Coach
I am originally from Germany. After moving to the USA, I had the opportunity to live with my family in five different states and I am now residing in Georgia. Many years ago, I met my American husband, who was at that time stationed in Germany as part of the U.S. Air Force and it was he, who brought me to the US. Last year I naturalized and became an American citizen, in addition to my German citizenship.
I must admit, moving around via military assignments during his 20 years of service has enriched our lives tremendously, living in Germany and in the US. My German educational nursing background proved to be incompatible in the U.S. and therefore I went back to school in the U.S. to do something different than nursing and got a BA in English from UMGC and a BS in Political Science from UNO. Meanwhile our 3 kids left home and have started their own families. Vocationally, throughout the years I concentrated on being a language instructor and translator, as well as occasionally working as an interpreter. Also, I was very involved in the prayer movement nationally and internationally and have prayed for and counseled many women in a basic biblical capacity within the church environment. I believe the Lord lead me into coaching because it is the next step in my journey, and I am now able to apply spiritual prayers to untangle and disengage those who are called to be overcomers.
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